Taxonomy: f. Plasmodidae
Animal: Plasmodium falciparum 2 08.jpg
Sites: Blood
Plasmodium falciparum in thin film. Rings have Maurer's clefts. These older ring forms are generally seen 12 -24 hours into the cycle and are present as the temperature falls. The rings have more abundant cytoplasms, Maurer's clefts and occasionally some pigment but the red cell is not enlarged, though occasionally it may be crenated and appear somewhat darker as seen here. Maurer's clefts may be related to the parasite development and be responsible for the deep vascular schizogony so that further developing forms are not generally seen in the peripheral blood. They are rod or wedge shaped and larger and less numerous than Schuffner's dots seen with P.vivax and ovale. They are best seen with prolonged staining pH 7-7.4. (see parasitology textbooks such as Garcia and Bruckner 1997 for details)
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